Baraw ILizarov Centre






                                                                                                                                                                     Best Orthopaedic Method



Some of the works done by Professor Dr. Omer Barawi


 $ - Management of Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia (CPT) by Ilizarov Method  (by Prof. Dr. Omer Barawi in Australia 2016)

 $ - Non Union Tibia

 $ - Fibula Protibia ( for treatment of infected gap mal nonunion tibia)

 $ - Treatment of Genu Valgus 

$ -  Management of Chronic Chopart Joint Dislocation by Ilizarov external fixator

$ - Management of Bone Defect of Humerus by Ilizarov Method

$ - Split tibialis anterior tendon transfer to treat ambulatory children with spastic cerebral palsy who experienced dynamic equino varus deformity

$ - Attendance as a honorable overseas faculty member of Bari Ilizarov centre - Bangladish (2022-2023)







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